Quickly see cell cracks in fielded modules at night
UVF is a fast method to detect cell cracks and hot spots in aged modules. We offer a low-cost handheld flashlight kit for detection by eye, and a high-throughput camera flash based system which can image up to 1000 modules/hour.
Basic UV Fluorescence Kit
- Small hardcase with filtered UV Flashlight, eye protection, and spare batteries.
- Shine on aged modules at night to detect cracked cells and other defects.
- No need to disconnect module cables.
- UV Flashlight with visible light filtering
- 2 UV Protection Goggles
- 4 Batteries
- Battery Charger
- Quickly see cell cracks in fielded modules at night
- No need to disconnect module cables
- Follow up later with more detailed EL testing
- Maximize EL throughput by just testing modules with problems
- Width of crack signature related to age of crack
- Compare to EL to determine when cracks occurred
- See other encapsulant-sensitive problems
- Hot spots
- EVA yellowing